Consensus Protocol Research

CPR provides tools for specifying, simulating, and attacking proof-of-work consensus protocols like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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Reproducible. Open-source. GitHub.


CPR abstracts communication, cryptography and proof-of-work. You can specify new consensus protocols in a few lines of code.


CPR provides a virtual environment for protocol execution. You can obtain valuable insights without costly deployments.


CPR avoids doing real proof-of-work. Your laptop can handle hundreds of participants mining thousands of blocks each second.


CPR ships specifications for popular proof-of-work protocols as they are deployed in Bitcoin and Ethereum PoW.


CPR implements known attacks like block withholding and selfish mining. You can modify and evaluate them without doing real harm.

Reinforcement learning

CPR provides an OpenAI Gym environment for searching attacks. You will find an edge against both your own and established protocols!